how we started

Holy Trinity Montessori was founded as a non-profit school in 2009 by our Head of School, Kate Riley. A trained Montessori instructor with more than a decade of experience at the time, Kate had a dream to start a Montessori school with a faith-based element and an affordable tuition structure to serve families in the Bellevue area of Nashville. Kate approached a local church about sharing space to open her school, and in August of 2009, Holy Trinity Montessori welcomed our first twenty students.

We started with one toddler classroom and one primary classroom (for preschool aged children), but before long we expanded to serve more students, adding additional Primary classrooms as well as Lower and Upper Elementary. It quickly became evident that we needed our own space in order to accommodate our vibrant and growing community.

After several years of searching for the perfect spot, we purchased 38 acres of pristine land in the rolling hills of Bellevue and built our beautiful new campus. Classes officially began on our new property in January of 2017. Holy Trinity Montessori proudly serves children ranging in age from 18 months through Grade 8.
  • our mission

    To aide in the child’s intellectual, social, emotional, and spiritual development through the use of the Montessori method, including the Catechesis of the Good Shepherd. To be a leader in the community of Montessori schools by a commitment to aid in the child’s spiritual development and the inherent value that comes with nurturing the child’s spirituality.

  • our vision

    Our vision is to provide a learning environment that allows each student to develop a love for learning, not only in his or her own self-development, but also in his or her outside world. Each child is guided to discover his or her own unique path in becoming a peaceful, spiritual, and involved member of society. 

    The goal of Holy Trinity Montessori is to maintain a reasonable tuition structure for young families. This goal can only be reached through the assistance and charitable giving of the school community, our extended families and friends, and other generous supporters.

  • statement of belonging

    We are a Christian Montessori community committed to diversity, equity, and inclusion, and denounce all acts of discrimination. We are dedicated to anti-oppressive practices and social justice. Led by our core Christian beliefs rooted in the concept of Imago Dei, we believe that black lives matter and affirm the dignity and worth of all people.

    We are dedicated to educating children to advocate for others as well as themselves. We recognize that diversity and equity are deep and complex and we seek to amplify the stories and experiences of those who have been overlooked and underrepresented. While recognizing we do not all start from the same place, we invite you to walk with us in compassionate curiosity, constructive conversation, peace, and faith.